
29/07/2023 | 20:00 - Medina de Pomar (Burgos)
20th Anniversary Concert of Coro Voces Nostrae
11/04/2023 | 19:30 - Branscomb Auditorium (Lakeland, Florida, EEUU)
Festival of Fine Arts
Hand program
Cartell del concert de Rockford Choir a la Sagrada Família
30/03/2023 | 21:00 - Església de la Mare de Déu de Betlem (Barcelona)
Concert of Cor Tessàlia with Rockford Touring Choir

Choirs he has conducted

Coral Esclat [2012-2014]
Cor Diaula [2013-2016]
Revoice International Vocal Ensemble [2014-2018]
Cor Tessàlia [2014 - present]
Quòdlibet Grup Coral [2016 - present]
Cor Ariadna de l'Agrupació Cor Madrigal [2018-2021]

Member of the artistic committee of Corals Joves de Catalunya
[2016 – present]

Programmer of the Cicle Estones de Clàssica
of theAteneu de Sant Just Desvern [2018 – present]

Composition awards

2016 - First prize in the Concurso Nacional de Composición Coral Universidad de Burgos with the work Galatea

2019 - Third prize in the Concurso de Composición para coros BAE "Gran Premio BBK" with the work Canción de cuna

2021 - Third prize in the 1st Certamen Internacional de Composición coral Universidad de Alcalá with the work In Paradisum