Exsultate, Jubilate! (2024)
[Solo soprano, choir SATB and piano/organ]
Commissioned by Cor Tessàlia for their 25th anniversary més
Versión para coro de voces mixtas SATB, soprano solista y piano/órgano
Lyrics: Anonymous / Adaptation: Xavier García Cardona Language: Latin
Difficulty: Moderate
Duration: 4'30''
Price: 4,00€
Choral Music
Exsultate, Jubilate! (2024)
[quartet de corda, soprano solista i cor de veus mixtes SATB]
Comissioned by Cor Tessàlia for their 25th Anniversary més
String quartet, solo Soprano and mixed choir SATB
Lyrics: Anonymous / Adaptation: Xavier García Cardona Language: Latin
Difficulty: Moderate
Duration: 4'30''
Price: General score with parts 15€
Choral Music
Ubi Caritas (2023)
[SATB with divisi]
Commissioned by Coro Voces Nostrae de Medina de Pomar Lyrics: Anonymous (s.IX) / Adaptation and revision: Xavier García Cardona and Miguel Ángel Vicente MartínezLanguage: Latin
Difficulty: Moderate
Duration: 4'
Price: 4,00€
If you want to purchase a copy, contact me Video
Choral Music
Árboles (2023)
Second prize at XXVII Concurso de Composición para coros - B.A.E Gran Premio BBK Lyrics: Joyce KilmerLanguage: Spanish
Difficulty: Moderate
Duration: 3'30''
Price: 3,50€
Choral Music
Cançó de bressol - Lullaby (2023)
[SATB with divisi]
Popular melody from the “Obra del Cançoner Popular de Catalunya”, sung by Dolors Arrufat, from Cervera
Lyrics: Popular Language: Catalan
Difficulty: Moderate-low
Duration: 3'15''
Price: 2,50€
Quòdlibet quaranta! (2022)
Encàrrec de Quòdlibet Grup Coral (Molins de Rei) Lyrics: Miquel Martí i Pol and folksongs lyricsLanguage: Catalan
Difficulty: Moderate
Duration: 3'30''
Price: If you want to purchase a copy, contact us
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Choral Music
El teu llac (2021)
[Song for Soprano and piano]
Commissioned by Associació Amics de la Poesia de Calella Lyrics: Maria Cardona i CodinaLanguage: Catalan
Duration: 6'00"
Price: 4,00 €
Sample PDF If you want to purchase a copy, contact us
Vocal Music
Sonet de les figures (2021)
Commissioned by Cor d'homes d'Osona. Lyrics: Maria Cardona i CodinaLanguage: Catalan
Difficulty: low
Duration: 2'30''
Price: 3,00 €
Sample PDF If you want to purchase a copy, contact us
Choral Music
Les Gitanes (2020)
[SATB + Children’s choir ad libitum]
Christmas Carol commissioned by Agrupació Cor Madrigal in 2020. més
Melody collected by Sara Llorens in 1926 in Pineda de Mar (El Maresme, Barcelona) and sung by Antònia Mates. From “Cançoner de Pineda”, page 233.
Lyrics: Catalan folksong Language: Catalan
Difficulty: moderate
Duration: 3'00"
Price: free
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Choral Music
In Paradisum (2020)
[SSAATTBB and soprano solo]
Third prize I Certamen Internacional de Composición Coral Universidad de Alcalá Lyrics: AnonymousLanguage: Latin
Difficulty: moderate - high
Duration: 4'30''
Price: 4,00 €
Sample PDF If you want to purchase a copy, contact us
Choral Music
Canción de cuna (2019)
Third prize in the XXIII Concurso de Composición para coros - B.A.E Gran Premio BBK Lyrics: Federico García LorcaLanguage: Spanish
Difficulty: low
Duration: 4'30"
Price: 2,50 €
Sample PDF If you want to purchase a copy, contact us Video
Choral Music
Cant d'alegria (2018)
[SATB with occasional divisi]
Comissioned by Coro Ciudad de Tres Cantos Lyrics: Joan MaragallLanguage: Catalan
Difficulty: moderate
Duration: 3'00"
Price: 3,00 €
Sample PDF If you want to purchase a copy, contact us Video
Choral Music
Així com cell qui es veu prop de la mort (2016)
[SATB with divisi]
Lyrics: Ausiàs MarchLanguage: Catalan
Difficulty: moderate
Duration: 4'
Price: 3,00€
Choral Music
El desembre congelat (2016)
[SATB with occasional divisi]
Catalan Christmas carol més
Tradition and modernity are two concepts that surround us and that may seem antagonistic, but in this arrangement I wanted to add them, becoming complements of one another: the traditional catalan Christmas carol of “El Desembre congelat” fused with the rhythm, harmony and colors of modern music, specifically blues. A new approach to a melody that becomes fresh, informal and fun for both the singer and the listener.
Lyrics: Popular Language: Catalan
Difficulty: low - moderate
Duration: 2'30''
Price: 9,00 € - 16,00 € (10 copies)
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Choral Music
Galatea (2016)
[SATB with occasional divisi]
First prize in the Concurso Nacional de Composición Coral Universidad de Burgos Lyrics: Miguel de Cervantes - Poem of "La Galatea"Language: Spanish
Difficulty: moderate
Duration: 2'20''
Price: 3,00€
Sample PDF If you want to purchase a copy, contact us
Choral Music
O Magnum Mysterium (2015)
Dedicated to Revoice International Vocal Ensemble. més
Like the great mystery of the birth of Jesus, this O Magnum Mysterium becomes at times enigmatic, especially in an introduction where we do not know in what tone we will establish ourselves. After a first part of the work where the minor key is imposed, the major key appears to cushion the mystery and show us the sweetness of Mary, as well as the vastness of the birth of Christ. The final Alleluia symbolizes the joy of the Christians by the birth of Jesus and, in addition, it contrasts with the beginning of the work, when being a tone over the initial tonality, producing a shining effect and reinforcing this joy and gladness.
Lyrics: Christmas Responsory Language: Latin
Difficulty: high
Duration: 3'30''
Price: 20,00€ (10 copies)
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Choral Music
Les Quatre Estacions (2013)
[Soprano and piano]
Commissioned by Associació Amics de la Poesia de Calella Lyrics: Maria Cardona i CodinaLanguage: Catalan
Duration: 12'00"
Price: 8,00 €
If you want to purchase a copy, contact us
Vocal Music
La Castanyera (2011)
Commissioned by Cor Ariadna de l'Agrupació Cor Madrigal Lyrics: Catalan FolksongLanguage: Catalan
Difficulty: moderate
Duration: 1'30"
Price: free
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Choral Music