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Ubi Caritas (2023)

[SATB with divisi] - Choral Music
Commissioned by Coro Voces Nostrae de Medina de Pomar  

Lyrics: Anonymous (s.IX) / Adaptation and revision: Xavier García Cardona and Miguel Ángel Vicente Martínez
Language: Latin
Difficulty: Moderate
Duration: 4'
Price: 4,00€

If you want to purchase a copy, contact me


Ubi caritas et amor, Chorus ibi est.
Congregavit nos in unum Musicae amor.
Exsultemus, et in Choro jucundemur.
Cantemus et amemus: “Voces Nostrae”.
Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero.
Ubi caritas et amor, Chorus ibi est.
Congregavit nos in unum Musicae amor.

Donde hay caridad y amor, allí está el Coro.
El amor por la música nos ha congregado y unido.
Alegrémonos y deleitémonos en el Coro.
Cantemos y amemos “Voces Nostrae”.
Con sincero corazón amémonos unos a otros.
Donde hay caridad y amor, allí está el Coro.
El amor por la música nos ha congregado y unido.

Where there is charity and love, there is the Choir.
The love of music has brought us together and united us.
Let us rejoice and delight in the Choir.
Let us sing and love our voices.
Let us love one another with a sincere heart.
Where there is charity and love, there is the Choir.
The love of music has brought us together and united

TEXTO: Anónimo (s.IX)
Xavier García Cardona y Miguel Ángel Vicente Martínez

Ubi Caritas